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What are the nutritional value of fruit fruit detailing nine major effect

Source: Time:2016-03-21 17:06:48 views:

Fruit is juicy and refers to a majority of plant fruit sweetness can be directly eaten raw, not only rich in nutrients and can help digestion. Fruit is part of the edible plant fruit and seed collectively. Fruits lower blood pressure, slow aging, weight loss, skin care, eyesight, cancer, lower cholesterol and other health effects.


1, blood pressure

Hawthorn, watermelon, pears, pineapple.


2, containing folic acid

In a variety of vitamins, folic acid and DNA generation related to early pregnancy, folic acid for cell reproduction and repair is very important, it helps the nervous system good embryo development, the prevention of anemia in pregnant women.

Fruit contains folic acid: apple, banana, mango, papaya, kiwi.


3, slow aging

In a common fruit, kiwi fruit is considered to be closest to the perfect fruit, it contains nutrients rich in vitamin C, A, E, folic acid and trace elements potassium, magnesium and dietary fiber, and the heat is very low. All this makes the life of kiwifruit can energize the work played fast, mental stress of modern urban man. In addition, the amino acids contained in the kiwi fruit, can help the body manufacture hormones to slow aging. Because Kiwi cold, so the pregnant mother is best to eat less.


4, lose weight

Some fruits are rich in dietary fiber, fiber is not digested by the small intestine of carbohydrates in the colon, fiber can provide nutrients to the intestine, which helps promote the body's metabolism and help suppress appetite.

Weight loss fruit: apples, grapefruit, dragon fruit, durian.


5, skin care

Human face every day exposed, injury and ultraviolet radiation by the air of harmful substances, as well as capillary contraction, reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, the skin becomes dry and dehydrated. Fruits rich in antioxidants vitamin E and trace elements, can nourish the skin, the cosmetic effect is not a general cosmetic comparable. And if you smoke or fat, it also suggests that your body fat tissue lack of these important ingredients.

Skin care fruit: banana, mango, cantaloupe, strawberries, oranges, apples, lemons.


6, eyesight

There are many human retinal capillaries, the role of vitamin C is that it can make the retinal blood supply is guaranteed.

Fruit eye protection: kiwi, lemon.


7, predators cancer

More than usual intake of dietary fruits, can reduce the risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. This is because fruits contain trace elements necessary for the body.

Anticancer fruit: bananas, kiwi, grapes, oranges, apples, lemons.


8, cholesterol-lowering

Apples, grapefruit, hawthorn.


9, detoxification

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and carotene, but also rich in pectin and dietary fiber to help digestion, cleaning the intestines, liver strong, fruit detoxification can not be ignored.

In addition to Apple is rich in fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis, but it contains galactose Tsuen acid on detoxification helpful; pectin is able to avoid corruption of food in the intestines. Often a change of apples of different colors, the better.

Grapes purple grapes also have detoxifying effects, it can help the liver, intestine, stomach, kidney cleanse the body of waste, it is "scavenger" of the name. But the heat a little high.

Cherry has some medicinal value, to remove toxins from the body, the kidneys detoxification with considerable effect, as well as a mild laxative effect.


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