Supermarket Informat

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Supermarkets Characteristics

Source: Time:2016-03-21 11:13:04 views:

① supermarket goods are prior to the mechanization of packaging, categorized according to certain weight and size packed, and were placed on the shelf, price tag, the implementation of customer self-service, you can choose.

① supermarket goods are prior to the mechanization of packaging, categorized according to certain weight and size packed, and were placed on the shelf, price tag, the implementation of customer self-service, you can choose.


     ② supermarket widespread use of computer and other modern equipment. Ease of management to quickly understand the sales situation, in time to save, organize, and packaged goods, automatic price, pricing, and thus improve work efficiency, expand sales volume.


     ③ supermarket varieties of goods within the complete selection of convenience. People can buy in a mall to the daily needs of the vast majority of goods, eliminating a lot of trouble. Automatic price, pricing, high settlement efficiency, but also saves the customer's time. And because the mall is good operating efficiency, reduce costs, so the price of the commodity is relatively cheaper, by the majority of customers welcome.


       American scholar M. M Zimmerman in his book "Super Market" (The Supermarket) states: Supermarkets are the height of the sector, engaged in food and retail outlets other commodities. Its entirely by the owner or self-employed, or entrust others to operate; there is enough parking, and an annual turnover of not less than $ 250,000. And dry food, household supplies and goods by way of self-service. • The famous marketing expert Philip Kotler believes that supermarkets are sizable, low cost, low margin, sales of large self-service operators, which aims to meet all customer needs for food and household items.


      In China, the supermarket means taking optional way, mainly to sell food, fresh products account for a certain proportion of retail outlets to meet people's daily needs.


      In China, the supermarket was introduced in 1978, then known as demand shopping malls. January 3, 1983, China's first supermarket opened in Haidian District, Beijing, when buyers are almost all foreigners. Today, 20 years later, people go to the supermarket shopping has become an indispensable part of life.

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