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The Daily Maintenance of Ice Cream Machine (4)

Source: Time:2016-03-11 14:41:32 views:

To ensure the health of consumers of ice cream, to improve the life of the machine components, you must be a day of cooling tank cleaning.

[Cleaning refrigerant cylinder]

To ensure the health of consumers of ice cream, to improve the life of the machine components, you must be a day of cooling tank cleaning.

(1) Press the key to cleaning the feed cylinder paste all discharged, press the stop button.

(2) add the right amount of warm water with disinfectant, it is poured into the barrel, the same two barrels of water.

(3) for about 1-2 minutes by cleaning, the cleaning liquid is discharged.

(4) washing with water 2-3 times, stop.

(5) Turn off the power surply, disassemble the parts.

a, unscrew the valve side of the four screws and remove the valve assembly.

b, followed by extraction of the pin solid handle, handle, stem, sealing ring from the liquid valve.

c, drawn from the refrigerant cylinder blender, remove the seal.

d, clean all parts removed, be replaced if damaged.

e, reverse the removal procedure according to the parts installed.

Body wash

Consumers need is beautiful, clean machine, please feel free to keep the body clean appearance, you can loosen the body with warm towel, stain removal, washing with water is not available, in order to avoid electrical fault.

Cleaning the condenser

Working for some time caked dirt will affect the cooling condenser, cooling effect is poor, clean the specific time depending on operating environment can vary three to six months, to turn off the power before cleaning, be sure not to damage the condenser fins with a soft brush and a hair dryer can be cleaned.

Transmission adjustment

After using the machine for a long time, the drive belt may stretch stirring system, need to be adjusted, the phenomenon is belt slippage, after a sudden stop operation of the machine will display the word "NL" on a series of soft ice cream machine digital control, while the buzzer emits long intermittent sound of the law, this time to disconnect the power, remove the left side panel of the machine, with a wrench to adjust the fixing screws at the bottom of the motor (due to the specific circumstances of the machine model is slightly different, please call the after-sales phone consultation) case this is not a case of machine failure, must be shut down before the power failure adjust the belt, belt machine back to normal after adjustment elastic fit.


Some ice cream machine with pre-cooling function, the role of this function is to keep the accumulator temperature of 5-10 degrees, from the Preservation. The actual process of using some businesses claim that their ice cream machine without cleaning, which is actually misleading. We know that the main ingredient is dairy ice cream, and dairy products are very susceptible to damage from bacteria rapidly corruption, especially in the hot summer, if you do not clean the machine at night, the next day the ice cream will certainly excessive bacteria. Once consumers get that problem, then it pays. This again reminded traders that the daily operation of the health problems, we must ensure health and safety, but not at night without cleaning Another problem is the ice cream machine back into the liquid slurry layered, produce the next day during the production of ice cream poor taste, because the ice cream feed water of natural precipitation, some raw ingredients will be reflected in some of the metal ions resulting from solid to liquid black.


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